Thursday, March 18, 2010

Word Family Town part 1b

For some reason, blogger isn't cooperating with me so I'm breaking this post up into more than one post. More letters to introduce:

m is a mountain man

r is a rat
f is the Tiny Goddess (her real name starts with F)

w is a walrus

p is a pretty princess with a ponytail
j is jumping (see it even jumps for the photo!)

b is a boy with a baseball
h is a man with a funny hat
and t is a knight with "terrible the sword"

Then we planned parties for the various homes. In order to attend a party at a house, the letter had to be able to make a word with the family. So we went through them all and I made a list. We will probably review it today and tomorrow and then make another village with some more houses next week, maybe even add a few new letter friends.

1 comment:

Sara said...

These are very cute!! Terrible the sword-- I love that!