Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Long and Winding Road...

The Artist went with me tonight on my evening walk. We started down the path that leads along the cliff towards Llantwit Beach only to decide we wanted to turn back so I could show him the World's Greatest Climbing Tree. He wasn't impressed. But we carried on and wound up at St. Donat's Castle. I suggested that we take the trail through the woods instead of going up the hill by St. Donat's church (usual path back). So we took off through the woods, randomly taking this path and that one and we wound up between a huge wheat field and the ocean with the Nash Point lighthouses in the distance. We carried on walking towards the lighthouses, then up the road until we arrived at the Horseshoe Pub. From there we called the Lord of Sound (aka Papa) to come pick us up. I convinced the Artist to see if we could make it home before they found us and reluctantly he pressed on. We didn't quite make it home, but we almost did. (Locals will appreciate how far we walked.) We were gone well over two hours and walking the whole time at a rather brisk pace. It was great. When we got home I made pasta with marinara for the children (since it is quick and everyone likes it) and tofu paella for the grown ups. I'm eating some paella now. It's so good and so low fat and healthy. I will have a second bowl and probably have it for breakfast in the morning.


Sara said...

Mmmmm.... paella!

Your long walk sounds wonderful!

Cyfaill said...

Yeah, thanks for turning me on to it. I have some variety of paella like concoction at least once a week, sometimes more.